Plataforma de Conhecimento em Adaptação à Mudança do Clima
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Climate change adaptation strategies for smallholder farmers in the Brazilian Sertão


Climate models agree that semi-arid regions around the world are likely to experience increased rainfall variability and longer droughts in the coming decades. In regions dependent on agriculture, such changes threaten to aggravate existing food insecurity and economic underdevelopment, and to push migration to urban areas. In the Brazilian semi-arid region, the Sertão, farmers’ vulnerability to climate—past, present, and future—stems from several factors, including low yielding production practices and reliance on scarce and seasonally variable water resources. Using interpolated local climate data, we show that, since 1962, in the Bacia do Jacuípe—one of the poorest regions in the Sertão of Bahía state—average temperatures have increased ~ 2 °C and rainfall has decreased ~ 350 mm. Over the same time period, average milk productivity—the main rural economic activity in the county—has fallen while in Brazil and in Bahía as a whole milk productivity has increased dramatically. This paper teases apart the drivers of climate vulnerability of the Bacia do Jacuípe in relation to the rest of Bahía. We then present the results of a suite of pilot projects by Adapta Sertão, a coalition of organizations working to improve the adaptive capacity of farmers living in the semi-arid region. By testing a number of different technologies and arrangements at the farm level, Adapta Sertão has shown that interventions focused on balanced animal diets and efficient irrigation systems can help reduce (but not eliminate) the dependence of production systems from climate. They are thus viable adaptation strategies that should be tested at a larger scale, with implications for semi-arid regions worldwide.

Jennifer Burney and Daniele Cesano
Organização(ões) Responsável(is)
University Of California San Diego
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Tipo do conteúdo
Artigo Científico
Não específico a um público
Jarrod RussellEmilio Lèvre La RovereThais CorralNereide Segala CoelhoLaise Santos
caatinga, climate resilience, strategies
Escopo Geográfico
Caatinga e Cerrado
Fase 2: Análise de impactos e vulnerabilidades
  • Apoia o entendimento de impactos e vulnerabilidades relacionados à mudança do clima
  • Contém informações úteis para compreender as características biofísicas e socioeconômicas de um território


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